Terms of Use

By accessing this site in any way, all users accept the terms of use of MarketReview.com as set forth here. No part of this agreement is contingent and any and all conditions included here, including future revisions by us, shall be legally binding upon users of our service and our website.

This agreement applies to the entirety of MarketReview.com, without exception, in addition to any other services that we may provide users. The agreement governs any and all interactions between users and the operators of this website and service.

It is encouraged that all users read these terms contained in this document, and also be aware that we reserve the right to make changes to them at our discretion, and any future revisions shall apply from the time they are posted.

If you are a subscribed to our service, we may provide notification of changes to our terms of use in cases where these changes may have a material influence upon your relationship with us, and the decision to notify shall be ours. Notwithstanding such notification, all users are responsible to remain informed about our terms of use and are immediately bound by them without condition.

Use of our website or services in any way constitutes being fully in agreement with our terms and conditions of use, and consent to this is neither solicited nor required, nor can it be revoked by the user either in whole or in part. Should one not fully consent, they are encouraged to cease use of our site and services, or if not, be fully aware that should the disagreement be material, there is no recourse on the part of the user.

Our decisions on the applicability of our terms and use are at our sole discretion and once made, the decision will be final.

All material contained on MarketReview.com is copyrighted and no use of any of the materials provided, including materials may be used by anyone without the express written consent of the site operators. Use of the materials on this site,  must be limited to personal and non commercial uses, and distributing any site content in any form to anyone for any reason is strictly prohibited.

This copyright also extends to any material we may distribute to you on behalf of the site, including but not limited to email communications, off site articles and other information, or anything else that we provide to you. Derivative works that rely substantially upon our content are also prohibited.

User Content

Any user content that is provided to us to publish on our site or published by users by way of the software provided shall become the intellectual property of MarketReview.com. We reserve the right to publish, edit, revise, and delete such content at out sole discretion.

By providing such content to us, in any form, users relinquish their copyright ownership on such material and freely provide such content to us to do with however we choose, including republishing it elsewhere.

Limitations of Use

The information provided by us on MarketReview.com and through any other means is provided for informational purposes only. Under no circumstances and in no event does this information constitute a legal agreement between users and this site, such that this information be construed as advice of any kind.

We are therefore not responsible, in any way, for the way users use the information they provide, and users assume all risk. Users agree to indemnify MarketReview.com of any and all claims arising out of their own use of any information and resources we provide to them, including both personal and third party claims.

We are also not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information we provide to users, and this information is provided on an “as is” basis, with no claims being made or implied on our behalf. This includes any planned or unplanned interruption of our service, whether this is within our control or not.

Therefore none of this information is intended not may be construed as substituting for professional advice on any and all matters discussed on any part of MarketReview.com or in any communication with us.

Third Party Content

We are not responsible for any third party content displayed on our site, of whatever nature, including the display of advertisers. Our legal contract here is strictly limited to ourselves and these third parties and in no sense involves the use of this material by users, and users agree to indemnify us from any such claims that may arise from the use of this third party material.

We also are not responsible for any content provided by users. Any content not authored by us shall never be construed as implying any legal obligation whatsoever on our part.

Any posting of material on our site by users or any providing material to us to be published on our site, or any communication whatsoever that users provide to us will be deemed not to be confidential and may be shared at our discretion.

Prohibited Conduct

All registrations that take place by users with us are subject to our ongoing approval. MarketReview.com reserves the right to limit or prohibit the use of its site and other communications at its sole discretion.

Registration shall be revoked at any time should we deem it necessary to preserve the integrity of our site or for any reason whatsoever. Participation on our site requires that all users abide by our decisions and no right of recourse shall exist on their part should their access become limited.

Prohibited conduct includes but it not limited to unauthorized use of our materials, any attempt to destruct or devalue our site, acting in breach of any law, and posting any content that may be construed as harmful to our site or to any user.

For the purpose of clarity, these terms and conditions, in addition to any that we may add or alter in the future, apply to all users of our site and content, whether or not they have registered with us. Merely visiting our site constitutes usage that is subject to the entirely of the agreement herein.


We retain exclusive ownership of all of the content and material on our site and all other content and material that we may provide users, in addition to any content provided by users to us for our use or use on our site.

We are not responsible for how the information we provide is used, under any circumstances, and users shall act upon any such information at completely at their own risk. Nothing we provide shall ever be understood as constituting any advice whatsoever.

Use of our site, including posting content or providing content to be posted, is subject to our sole approval, which may be revoked at any time for any reason.

We are not responsible whatsoever for content provided by third parties, including advertisers.

See our privacy policy for issues specifically related to privacy.